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Google Feud, site Word Guess who use the Google API

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Google Feud, site Word Guess who use the Google API,.Ever heard quiz charades? What if there is a quiz which invites you to guess the word suggested Google? That Google Feud. The unique site will invite you to play charades using word suggestion system owned by Google.

In the game of charades in Google Feud, you are required to guess the next word of a sentence that is formed by using the Google API. Of each sentence diasajikan, the players must compete to type the word that most have the highest probability to appear when actually typed in Google.

Not only that, the site of this unique game can also be played with others, ie up to 3 players simultaneously. Of course these features will tighten the competition. The players will have collected a total score of each round her, and at the end of the game will be crowned the champion whom. You are ready to challenge other players from all over the world?

Article that is all about Google Feud, site Word Guess who use the Google API hopefully this article can provide useful information for you all, do not forget to stay updated our latest articles

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