For those of you who have lost files on a flash drive or hard drive do not worry or cry roll around. Although the data is very important, as important as the data thesis. Because maybe it is not a file or data is lost. It can be caused data or files hidden virus. Hidden virus is a virus that hides files that reside in flash or hard drive. Most of these viruses attack in flash as often mutually computer or laptop.
Signs of a laptop or a virus is hidden when you click properties flahdisk storage location has been used a lot, but when we look at the storage file is not visible. To eliminate this hidden viruses can use anti-virus SmadAV. By using this antivirus scan you can remove it. If you sudak do a scan with this virus but still hidden files eat you have to do with the way that this second. This method uses the Command Prompt (cmd).
Here's How to bring the hidden files in flash:
1. Go to START continues to All Programs Accessories and then Command Prompt continue. Can also through RUN then type CMD and enter
2. Then type the location where the flash was. Example we will show the hidden files and in the location of G. Type G: then enter
3. Upon entry to the location of the G selanjunya type attrib -s -h / s / d and enter
4. Then finish. please open your flash. Hidden files already existing
Similarly way bring hidden files in the flash. Hope can help you who have difficulty in dealing with the hidden files. This way you can also do if attacked hard drive hidden files.
4. Then finish. please open your flash. Hidden files already existing
Similarly way bring hidden files in the flash. Hope can help you who have difficulty in dealing with the hidden files. This way you can also do if attacked hard drive hidden files.
Article that is all about How to open hidden files in flash hopefully this article can provide useful information for you all, do not forget to stay updated our latest articles
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