Facebook Preparing Aircraft Fly Internet Spreader,. Facebook plans to bring the Internet to the rest of the world by using unmanned aircraft increasingly evident. When interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Vice President of Engineering Facebook Jay Parikh said, Facebook will meguji solar-powered unmanned aircraft the next summer.
Parikh said the plane prototype 1/10 of its original size has been tested recently. The aircraft was named Aquila has a wingspan similar to commercial passenger aircraft in general, and has a length of up to seven times the Toyota Prius.
Although it looks great, this aircraft weighs only about four times the usual car wheel. Facebook is deliberately designing pesasawat light to be able to fly up to a matter of years without landing.
Internet deployment projects through the air not only made up. Previously, Google has spread to the internet spreaders balloon around the world. The project, called Project Loon is also dikabaran yielded good results.
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