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How to check the original or replica iphone

Tuesday, March 03, 2015
How to check the original or replica iphone, Today many unofficial iPhone or even false. Here are tips or tricks to differentiate or to determine the quality of the iPhone that we will buy. Before we discuss how to check the authenticity of the iPhone, it helps us to understand the types of iPhone on the market.

  • iPhone Reconditioning Warranty 1 yr Distributors.
Namely iPhone imported from abroad in the form of used spare parts, then repaired and replaced a new casing and accessories and new boxes, and then given a distributor warranty for 1 year. Type the iPhone is usually the type of the old type that has no value in developed countries. Examples such as CDMA iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, even the iPhone 5.

There are several major distributors also bring this kind of Chinese iPhone in the form of already assembled and ready to sell. Heart - heart in buying an iPhone this type, note the seller and distributor, select that have big names and can be held accountable.

The price of the iPhone is likely to be cheaper than the original official apple.
  • iPhone Reconditioning BM
The difference in point No. 1 is the type of iPhone is only 1 month warranty down. Distributors who bring not want to be bothered to give a false tax and warranty card to guarantee for 1 year. The buyer was already aware that when buying this product so that the condition was yes. Prices are cheaper than the iPhone reconditioning distributors. Type in the market are usually the iPhone 4 CDMA, iPhone 4g, 4s even 5.
  • iPhone New International warranty
This kind iPhone is really new and yet the warranty. It's just a bit difficult because of the warranty claim must be in its original state. The price is high, according to the standard Apple website still added about 2 million as customs fees and distributor margins. Usually these types of new Apple products like iPhone 5s, 6, 6+. Distributors are responsible normally be entrusted to a problem of this type of apple product warranty.
  • Refurbish iPhone (pre-owned)
This type of warranty if the check is not already running. But actually this is Apple reconditioning of a former apple made in the new. But an official of the reconditioning is Applenya. So that was a full 1 year warranty. The price is steeper even than the iPhone reconditioning distributors. I suggest that if you buy an iPhone rather old type, choose the type of iPhone preowned this. For the warranty is still full, all original accessories, only the former engine alone. This type of entering Indonesia is the iPhone 5 and iPad.
  • iPhone Supercopy or fake iPhone.
It is the least expensive type of iPhone costs just 1 million alone. But as the name suggests, this is not the iPhone, this is actually the HP android that uses casing just as the iPhone, and use exactly the iPhone theme. Character is the fake iPhone's app store using Playstorenya Android. Ancur and the quality is not worth it fatherly in buying even try though. The only similarity is the look and shape when viewed from a distance. So its function for style only. In the market, the iPhone 5 sc, sc iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, 6+.
  • How to Distinguish Genuine and Counterfeit iPhone
The easiest way is to check that. The original iPhone will use Apple's App Store is not Google's Play Store. The type of material used cheap quality, easy pritil.
  • How to Check iPhone Warranty
How to check your iPhone warranty or all apple products such as Macbook pro, water, iPad mini, water iPad iPhone, iPod, iMac, etc. is by entering the Serial Number of the product to the apple website. No website at this link: To take Serial No. not of dusnya. But directly from the device. For iPhone go to settings-general-about. No serial input to the website it will display information about your Apple product warranty.

  • How to Check Origin iPhone
By visiting the website: and enter the model numbers. It will display information about the country of origin and other information about the details of your iPhone.

Similarly How to check the original or replica iphone. Hope it helps you avoid fraudulent sellers iphone. So you are satisfied with the original iphone product facilities.

Article that is all about How to check the original or replica iphone hopefully this article can provide useful information for you all, do not forget to stay updated our latest articles

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