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One of the world's best sniper from Indonesia, Tatang Koswara death

Thursday, March 05, 2015
One of the world's best sniper from Indonesia, Tatang Koswara died Tuesday evening, March 3, 2015. Tatang died when shooting on a talk show Black and White in one of the private TV station.

According to news delivered Twitter account Black & White, Tatang sudden heart attack.

The emcee Black & White, Dedy Corbuzier write Twtternya account, then tell all perjuanganya Tatang middle.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun Mr Tatang Koswara tuk closed his eyes one last time. #hitamputihberduka," Wrote Dedy.
Dedy also revealed that, before he died, Tatang delivered to Dedy said.

"Before he died he said to me:" my blood in the red and white "timeout for a moment that he had a heart attack. #hitamputihberduka," Wrote Dedy.

Tatang Koswara an Army veteran who retired in 1994. Tatang including the world's 14 best sniper.
In the book's 14 best sniper written by Peter Brookesmith, Tatang ranking PELTU Koswara latter became one of the world's best sniper.
Tatang since 1975 serving in East Timor. At that time, he became the most feared enemy sniper. Tatang Tantama entered the military in 1966 in Banten. Since the beginning of the military entrance, he was adept at using weapons.

While in East Timor, since 1975- 1978, Tatang mission named Baratayuda operation, open war directly with Fretilin. Two Tatang task when it is sneaking enter enemy territory as intelligence and to determine the strength and location of the enemy.

For decades become soldiers, Tatang already conquered tens or even hundreds of enemies, especially the leaders of the enemy being shot.

Before he died, the last Tatang with his family lived in the old-fashioned Dayeuh, Bandung regency, with his wife, four children, and seven grandchildren.
My blood at the Red and White! (Tatang Koswara).
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