Woolet, Intelligent Anti-Lost Wallet,. Sometimes, we accidentally left his wallet in public places. The incident may be prevented by Woolet.
It is equipped smart wallet transmitter, so it can connect to your mobile phone. Well, when it was accidentally left it, your phone will vibrate to notify.
Vice versa, Woolet can tell when you forget to take your phone when you want to go. Additionally, Woolet can transmit signals on the APB to ask other users about the existence Woolet Woolet you. For example, you lose your Woolet in a crowded place, other Woolet users can receive the transmitted signal Woolet you and send you to the location of your Woolet.
Perhaps you think, Woolet is a wallet with sophisticated technology too. But given the wallet and phone are two very important things, some people might feel grateful with the advent Woolet.
Although the price offered, USD119 (USD 1.6 million) may be a bit too expensive, but the price is negligible compared to the loss of the entire contents of your wallet.
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